FOSTEr in MED. Fosterin solar energy in the mediterranean sea

FOSTEr in MED  project aims to promote the adoption of innovative solar photovoltaic (PV) technologies in the Mediterranean area. The project adopts a multi-layer strategic approach, with the involvement of the local stakeholders, in order to ensure that the results of the project activities will have a multiplicative effect at the Mediterranean Basin level, in terms of outcomes replication, dissemination and transferability of results both beyond the partnership and after the end of the Project.

The Specific Objective of the Project is to transfer the know how in the solar energy innovative field, to implement and promote a shared design methodology and to promote Solar Energy innovative technologies at civil society level.

FOSTEr in MED project is funded under the ENPI CBC Med Programme, the total budget of the project is 4,5 million Euro and it is financed for an amount of 4,05 million Euro by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. The project involved 9 organizations from 6 different countries (Italy, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia).


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